moin, moin,
Lost any files lately? Try recover.
It worked great the first time I tried it. Had to recover a mail file
someone had deleted. It looked like there was no data loss.
Just tried it to get back some files I lost in a power outtage this
weekend (most were in /tmp and get removed at startup). That didn't work
too well, but I've been using the machine quite a bit since then, so the
inodes might've gotten used. recover still found lots of files, but not
the ones I was checking for.
Even if you don't lose any files, you might want to try it and see what's
still on the disk.
If you want to make sure a file goes bye-bye try srm, secure rm (I
recover is in debian's unstable dist. srm doesn't appear to be packaged
for debian.
# Knowledge is useless unless it's shared. - der.hans