\_ Anyway, has anyone read this or its parent publication, Maximum PC? Is it
\_ worth it or just some company jumping on the badwagon?
I perused a copy of one of these, and it was ok. The issue I read was
on an car mp3 player, but I wasn't impressed by the cost to mp3. Now,
if they had hooked it up to more than the stereo, like say:
* ignition "please type your password to access car"
* governor "please su to continue to exceed 54 MPH "
[yow! that lightening was close]
* light detector --> cron job checks to see if lights come on/go off
* sonar "you are too close to the car in front of you"
"the car behind you is too close...activating brake lights"
"you have 0.1 inches until your paralell park attempt fails"
* steering "please enter destination...."
Imagine the fun with theives: "please exit the car now, or I will
drive to the police station" [doorlocks activate] [ignition activate]
"please remove your hands from the wheel" [sound check] "please do not
swear. I think you should sit down calmly, and take a stress pill"
[pill tube pops out, ejects pez]....
Ah delusions, they are fun aren't they?