\_ Or, if your searches are primarily of a Linux nature, change the search? to
\_ linux? , to take advantage of Google's Linux-specific search powers...
Yuh; there's also a variant for the "I'm feeling lucky" button, which
is my official favorite button on the internet now.
\_ HTH
\_ -----Original Message-----
\_ From:
sinck@owmyeye.ugive.com [
\_ Sent: Monday, August 21, 2000 8:10 AM
\_ To:
\_ Subject: Re: google (was) usb
\_ \_ I have been using Google.com for about 4 months now, and I get what I'm
\_ \_ searching for on the first page every time. That's 100% of the time......
\_ \_ It's the best Search Engine I know of.
\_ Try making this a NS bookmark (remove \'ing)
\_ javascript: str = '
http://www.google.com/search?btnG=Google+Search&q=' \
\_ + escape(prompt('Enter Google Search term', '')); document.location = str;
\_ It works best if you have javascript turned on, otherwise your mileage
\_ suffers.
\_ I have variants for other popular engines too.... Dynamic bookmarks.
\_ They remember where things go, even if they move. :-)
\_ I had a set that worked for Macmillian Publishing that would go to
\_ whichever book in once click...skip their ad banners, "bookshelf",
\_ annoying frame...one click, presto! book text!
\_ Then they went and changed the encoding scheme and I decided it wasn't
\_ worth the effort to recrack the encoding based on my usage history.
\_ David
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