Author: Date: Subject: Unix admin jobs available
My employer, Direct Alliance, is looking for more Unix admins. We're
heavy into Linux. We've got some SCO systems, too, but are trying to
get as much stuff on Linux as we can. There are positions for Unix Web
Admins as well as generic Unix Admins. All of the web servers you'll
deal with are Linux. The Web Admin positions will work with boxes that
have nothing to do with the web, as we just keep expanding.
We've also had some successes stamping out Window$. :-) In additions
to servers, Linux on the desktop is standard in the Unix dept., or any
other free OS. (We've got a couple guys running FreeBSD.) There are
Window$ admins to deal with the remaining Micro$oft spawn, so you don't
have to.
Plusses for: perl (mainly for admin, not making web pages), Apache,
ColdFusion, samba, sendmail, etc.
And remember, we're looking for generic Unix admins, not just Unix Web
If you're interested, drop me a resume. When choosing a format, just
remember that I'll be opening it under Linux. (Yes, I have Star
-BVG (Bill Gjestvang)
Unix Web Admin
Direct Alliance