SpeedChoice broadband

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Author: Steve.Hight@netapp.comSteve.Hightnetapp.com
Subject: SpeedChoice broadband
Cox cable modems are available in some areas of Glendale now. I am near 43rd
ave & Bell and I can get it.

This just happened 2 weeks ago.

 -----Original Message-----
From:     Donn Shumway [mailto:DShumway@hypercom.com] 
Sent:    Friday, May 12, 2000 3:21 PM
Subject:    Re: SpeedChoice broadband

>Since SpeedChoice is now SprintBroadband, price has
>gone down but browsing through their FAQ, it appears
>that they've made the system so only Windows and Mac
>boxen can connect to the system. Does anyone have any
>experiences connecting Linux or other OS'es to their
>system? If so, how's it done? I'm considering them
>since Cox doesn't have any service in Glendale, and
>ADSL isn't available in my area (fibre lines). Their
>FAQ is very sparse on info about the way to connect
>to their service...


They have always (previously a sSpeedchoice) only officially supported
Windows or Mac. They do however, not object to Linux or other OS's, but
will not help in configuration or troubleshooting in any other OS's.

I believe they (Speedchoice or Sprint) still supply one fixed IP address
for each account, the cable modem is assigned a gateway address, and two
DNS server addresses for the client subnet. I had no problem getting it to
work on a Linux box, although getting IP-Masq to work properly required
some assistance from several PLUG members.

Donn Shumway

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