If it was unsolicited mail and you can find the source you should
report that to FTC (Federal Trade Commission).
I would also tell them what you told us.
They like this type of things.
The Wolf
-----Original Message-----
From: der.hans [
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2000 12:45 AM
To: quatsch
Subject: domains to reject
moin, moin,
I got some spam from an investment company (not to mention any names like
suretrade) that had a 600k executable in it.
That's sure gonna convince me that they're concerned with security. I hope
it was embedded with a virus, anybody opening it deserves it.
Anyway, it came from ecomtracker.com, which points to ecommercial.com,
which "specializes" in executable, video spam.
I'll be adding both of those to my reject stuff as soon as get around to
figuring out how to do such.
Jean, is it possible to mostly reject a piece of mail such that they get
it a couple of dozen times before it finally gets fully rejected?
# +++++++++++=================================+++++++++++ #
# der.hans@LuftHans.com www.excelco.com #
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# I'm not anti-social, I'm pro-individual. - der.hans #
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