It seems like on Wed, Feb 23, 2000 at 10:58:19AM -0700, D. Taylor scribbled:
Orig Msg>
Orig Msg> OK, I got ahold of some bad crack, but what does
Orig Msg>
Orig Msg> mkhybrid - create an hybrid ISO9660/JOLIET/HFS filesystem
Orig Msg> with optional Rock Ridge attributes. Includes support
Orig Msg> for making bootable "El Torito" CD-ROMs.
Orig Msg>
Orig Msg> have to do with "duplicating a drive?"
Orig Msg>
Hmmm...maybe someone secretly replaced your
crack with methamphetamine crystals...and you didn't notice :)
Seriously, the ISO9660 format only limits you to
a 640MB filesystem if you plan on making a CDROM.
To duplicate a drive you can make an ISO image of *ANY*
size and store that to be used as a mountable "live" filesystem
that is read only and that can be recovered from on the /dev/loop device.
man mkhybrid
spells it out nicely.
So a 6.4GB hard drive can be saved as an ISO image on a 44GB hard drive
for later use.
bad example:
mount /dev/loop /saved/6.4GB.iso -t iso9660
cd /dev/loop0
find . -depth -print | cpio -pdumv /newfilesystemdiskmountedhere
rm -fr /newfilesystemmountedhere/[ the RockRidge crap ]
boot from recovery floppy
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