\_ I was getting an occasional spam email like
\_ maybe once a week when I decided that I should
\_ go ahead and fill out the stuff to be removed.
\_ as soon as I did that I don't know if they
\_ decided wow I have a real address here. now
\_ I get 3-10 spam messages from porn-home bussnes-
\_ loan-everything else crap. I never understood
\_ why people complained so much until now. I
\_ don't know if it is from the place I said to
\_ unsubscribe me or if they just sold my email
\_ to everyone else in the world??? arg!!
did the original one stop at least? :-)
I only believe the unsubscribe magic for reputable companies. If it's
good and true spam, then I quietly delete it. If it had been a
recurring problem like what you have, I probably would have started
man'ing procmail until I made it go away. :-)