How to find which switch port is associated with a particular outlet

Matt Graham mhgraham at
Wed Dec 18 16:58:09 MST 2019

On 2019-12-18 16:35, Mark Phillips wrote:
> What would turning off the switch accomplish? If the roku is wired or
> wireless, it would still stop working.
> I looked into arp, and can't see how it can tell me the port number
> on the switch. Here is what it shows for the roku device:
> ether 00:0d:4b:d2:14:a4 C enp4s0f2

Does the switch have activity lights on its ports?  Can you turn off 
all the non-Roku wired devices for a limited time?  If so, a solution is 
obvious.  If it's lacking activity lights, things become a lot harder.  
Get some masking tape and wrap the ends of the cables and write 
identifiers on the ones where you know what they are.  That way, future 
problems like this can be avoided.

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