Microsoft has created an A.I. that can write its own code

Anon Anon lokotejones at
Thu Mar 9 08:47:29 MST 2017

Tay AI but with the ability to propagate her hate beyond just memes and
catch phrases.

It took less than 24 hours to teach Tay to be a Nazi and to espouse hate
speech. Her previous code is still in the new stuff somewhere because if
you ask her questions about Tay, she expresses regret about certain things.

How long until they teach this one how to create html filled with
explitives and hate speech? Since all Tay could do was tweet, now this one
could use Azure to really get the message out.

Microsoft... Please stop.

On Mar 9, 2017 07:11, "Keith Smith" <techlists at> wrote:

> In the hands of good people this can be great.  In the hands of evil
> people this could be the end.  Think CIA, NSA.... Those wanting to control
> man kind.
> write-its-own-code-quharrison-terry
> --
> Keith Smith
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