Network Shares

Nathan England plug-discuss at
Tue Feb 28 14:24:58 MST 2017

> If the KDE applications are using the nfs:/ KIOSlave, that could cause
> KDE-specific problems.  Does "dmesg | grep -i nfs" return anything odd
> on the NFS client?  Or the server?  I didn't have any trouble with NFS
> when I set it up at home, but that was only 2 computers, 1 share with
> only a few files on it, and KDE barely involved.

My nfs volumes are mounted via my fstab file and it looks like: /remote nfs 
defaults,nfsvers=4,comment=systemd.mount,_netdev 0 0

Nothing odd when I run dmesg. I can traverse great via command line and 
thunar, just not dolphin, konqueror, or anything that uses one of those 
to find finds.



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