(OT) WordPress Hosting

Sesso sesso at djsesso.com
Wed May 18 20:32:44 MST 2016

100% of my clients use Wordpress. Keep it updated, remove unused themes, and install wordfence. Your biggest security hole will always be the plugins because the code is usually written poorly. 


Sent from my iPhone

> On May 18, 2016, at 8:20 PM, Stephen Partington <cryptworks at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am not really a WordPress pro. But there are a number of potential gotchas that create security holes. A big one is plugins. The other is leaving certain settings at default values. Itheme security is a really nice security check for you. And it gives you some options to secure your site. Another option is to use a wordpress.com site and let them host it. They do have a free solution.
>> On May 18, 2016 6:18 PM, "Mark Phillips" <mark at phillipsmarketing.biz> wrote:
>> My daughter has become a blogger of late (http://www.sustainablesixty.com/)...I guess a recently minted BS from ASU needs a summer hobby while she works and saves up her money to start her MS in the Fall at ASU.
>> I was thinking of hosting her Wordpress blog on some spare space I have on a Linode machine, saving me the cost of paying to host her site. Does anyone on the list support Wordpress, and if so, any suggestions or gotchas about hosting Wordpress?
>> Thanks!
>> Mark
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