Keith Smith techlists at
Mon Jan 5 17:58:25 MST 2015

I have no idea about GnuCOBOL - I remember being fond of Cobol though.

WOW I took Cobol in 1983 and 1985.  Back then it was required at the 
UofA and I think Pima College as well.  I'm sure there must be high 
demand for those skills today.  The City of Tucson had millions of lines 
of Cobol in 1988 - they ran most of the city on water cooled mainframes 
and dumb terminals.  And the code was pure spaghetti code.

About a year ago I was at a car show and was admiring this 1962 
Corvette.  I stuck up a conversation with the owner and he told me he 
worked with Cobol and his group optimized Cobol.  I assumed he was doing 
ok financially since he owned a 1962 Corvette and lived in Scottsdale.

Congratulations on your new Gig!!

On 2015-01-05 18:33, trent shipley wrote:
> I wrote to the newbie list for GnuCOBOL for some help getting started.
> I'm writing to the local list to see if anyone has experience with
> COBOL, and GnuCOBOL in particular.
> I got hired November 17, 2014 to a new job where I will be outsourced
> to a financial company. Right now I and 19 other recruits are in a
> COBOL on IBM MVS boot camp. We can't get on the training system from
> home. I took six semester hours of COBOL on VMS in 1998 and 1999, so I
> help out some of the trainees. You can see how GnuCOBOL would be
> useful.
> Community support for GnuCOBOL native on Windows, on a native Linux
> partition, or on Linux hosted on Windows (well, personally I use OS X)
> would be much appreciated, even if it was just support for
> installation, and early compilation and COBOL debugging.
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Keith Smith

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