OT - Open Source Business Intelligence Software

John J. Macey jjmacey at gmail.com
Mon Sep 8 17:17:55 MST 2014

> In open source the basic statistical tool pretty much seems to be R.


Strange that you should mention R. I graduated from a University in 
Philly, and visited that school 2 months ago. It had been forever since 
I'd been back here. I was given a semester to engage in independent 
study in Physiology. Something to do with toxins / nerves. It was the 
early days of computing. H-P plotters were the standard of plotting 
data. Man, this is a throw back! ARPANET was started.

Once I was there, I found my aged mentor was still around. He'd been the 
Chairman of the Department of Biology, and I bought him lunch. Once we 
gotten done reminiscing we went back to his lab, and he showed me 
something. It was written in R, and it to do with cardio vascular 
response. He'd asked me, if I knew R, said no, asked for a copy, and he 
took it away.

I've been through graduate statistics, used mainframes, and early COBOL, 
and FORTRAN. What did I miss? LOL!

I just want to do data mining, scraping, gathering, and deliver 
something regarding the direction of biotech in regard to a company that 
I work for - which will change - on the client's mood. LOL!

Thanks for that pass done memory lane!

Still, want to match an Equity Firm in Europe with the possibility of 
merger with a target. I've delivered several options, based upon my 
global network, but want to dig deeper.

THX for your response, but still need more to scrape, gather, in the 
open source methodology. This means gather available options versus what 
I don't know to be existing data sets. Which, I don't know exist.

Hmm... Can I tell you about Jelly Fish toxins?

Buy you a Philly Cheese Steak?



On 09/08/2014 07:39 PM, trent shipley wrote:
> In open source the basic statistical tool pretty much seems to be R.
> I get the impression that it works well, though not as well as SPSS,
> and not nearly as well as SAS.
> The database varies with what kind of data science/data analysis/data
> mining you want to do. What kind of data do you intend to collect?
> What do you want to do with the data? How big is the data? Is it
> relational? Is it organized in some sense? Is XML or text based? Is it
> on a transactional production database? Does the database have to
> approach ACID compliance?
> Or do you just want a laundry list of open source databases, their
> associated tools, and possible open source analysis tools?
> On Mon, Sep 8, 2014 at 2:51 PM, John J. Macey <jjmacey at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> A bit of a background here. I was out in AZ, a much senior student @ ASU,
>> and a 2 time visitor at the PLUG. Because of family circumstances, I had to
>> return to New Jersey to attend to an elderly Mother.
>> I work as a consultant in the Biotech / Life Science / Medical Device field.
>> The general background is here.
>> I deal with projects, that now involve gathering / scrapping / data mining /
>> gathering business intelligence. Basically, this is global, and I'd thought
>> I'd ask here in the PLUG. The data mining is not in regard to an enterprise,
>> or a vast supply of stored data. I've looked into creating APIs, Google+,
>> etc., etc. So, I am not throwing this question out there lightly.
>> Does anyone have experience with any of the open source business
>> intelligence tools? Funny thing is, I had found something simple about 20
>> years ago. Things have changed. LOL!
>> Thanks in advance for any responses.
>> --
>> John
>> --------
>> John J. Macey
>> Wildwood, New Jersey
>> Phone: 480-242-1503
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