internet problem

Michael Havens bmike1 at
Fri Oct 17 10:36:35 MST 2014

thanks Mike.


On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 10:32 AM, Michael Butash <michael at> wrote:

>  It creates two separate Virtual LAN (VLAN) networks, using routing/nat
> to traverse between them. This is what gives you security, hiding you on
> private addresses, but making you visible to the network via Network
> Address Translation (NAT).
> This is how firewalls/routers work, at least those little buggers.
> Look up the terms vlan and nat for more info than you'd ever want to know.
> -mb
> On 10/17/2014 09:25 AM, Michael Havens wrote:
> I was trying to learn what the internet port is for and read this on
> wikipedia:
>  The original *WRT54G* was first released in December 2002. It has a 4+1
> port network switch <> (the
> Internet/WAN port is part of the same internal network switch, but on a
> different VLAN <>).
>  I don't understand . Could someone explain it to me?
> :-)~MIKE~(-:
> On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 9:15 AM, Michael Havens <bmike1 at> wrote:
>>  Thank you for the response, Gilbert. I thought I answered every
>> question asked.... how odd! In any case this is my setup:
>> I have a DSL modem (a pk5000) which feeds the XBMC computer about 3 feet
>> to the left of it (which I am using to write this). Then my brother moved
>> in so I put a connection in his room. To do this I ran a cable to my office
>> (down the hallway) (20 feet) through the outside wall and  under the mobile
>> home and into his room (20 more feet). Then I got my linux from scratch
>> computer (that didn't have a wireless card) and I had to run another cable.
>> However, because I didn't want another cable running alongside the one I
>> had already  installed I opted to put a spare router (configured to be a
>> switch) into my office then I have two cables coming out of it one to the
>> new computer and one to my brothers room.....
>>  Fixed it! I had the cable from the living room plugged into the
>> internet port. I plugged it into a LAN port and everything works again. I'd
>> swear I had it plugged into the internet port before.
>> :-)~MIKE~(-:
>> On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 11:56 AM, Gilbert T. Gutierrez, Jr. <
>> mailing-lists at> wrote:
>> :-)~MIKE~(-:
>> On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 11:56 AM, Gilbert T. Gutierrez, Jr. <
>> mailing-lists at> wrote:
>>> Mike,
>>> Just like HM said, you are going 1000mph in no direction with a 1000
>>> posts. With that being said, all I know from this whole thread is that you
>>> are having computer weirdness, you think your router is broke, and this all
>>> happened after you moved your computer. Additionally, even though all this
>>> is occurring, you still can post to this message list so you have Internet
>>> on some device is some form. When others have posted questions, you have
>>> either moved your questions in a different direction, partially answered
>>> them, or not answered them at all. This cannot continue if you wish someone
>>> to help you move forward. People will go silent in response.
>>> Maybe some illustrations would help in describing how your are connected
>>> and what is working and not working. You need to go back to basics (Use the
>>> OSI model to troubleshoot moving from the Physical layer up to the
>>> Application layer). Examples of questions to ask yourself and put in your
>>> message could include but is not be limited to...
>>> 1. Describe the model of your router(s) including tags so we know which
>>> router(s) you are speaking of since I know you have at least 2 from
>>> everything you have said.
>>> 2. What devices are plugged into which ports of your router(s) including
>>> any interconnects?
>>> 3. What are the status lights on your router(s)/switch(es)/Network
>>> Card(s)?
>>> 4. What IP address are you expecting?
>>> 5. Are any devices working on your network? Getting out to the Internet
>>> or getting an IP? What port on what router are they plugged into? Which
>>> router are they plugged into?
>>> 6. If you isolate your computer and router (nothing else plugged in,
>>> including the modem), Do you get an IP address from the router?
>>> 7. Have you verified that the DHCP client software is installed and
>>> running on the network interface card of your computer?
>>> 8. Do you have any known good computer that you can test from, knowing
>>> that from previous posts you thought it could be your computer?
>>> 9. Does your Internet work if you plug directly into the modem with your
>>> computer?
>>> 10. Have you verified with your Internet Service provider that your
>>> Internet is working properly?
>>> Please do not just inline post a response. Put some thought into it and
>>> respond with something easy to read by someone without experience with your
>>> network. I cannot help you otherwise.
>>> Gilbert T. Gutierrez, Jr.
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