CentOS 7 and BIND

Anthony Radzykewycz anthony.radzykewycz at gatewaycc.edu
Wed Nov 19 22:53:34 MST 2014

Hello Everyone,
    I am trying to get a DNS/DHCP server up and running using CentOS 7. I
have modified the /etc/named.conf file and created the zone files. I
attempt to start the named service with 'systemctl start named,' and it
fails. Upon investigating 'systemctl status named.service,' it shows that
BIND will not start. BIND is installed on the system. I read quite a few
forums to no avail. Some were saying that the issue is with the bind-chroot
package (which I re-installed), another stated that it was SElinux (I ran
'restorecon /etc/named.conf' 'touch /.autorelabel' 'reboot'). That also did
not resolve the issue. Does anyone have an idea as to why BIND will not
Anthony Radzykewycz
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