Damn ubuntu.

Brian Cluff brian at snaptek.com
Sun Jan 5 12:14:28 MST 2014

On 01/05/2014 10:38 AM, Michael Butash wrote:
> chrooting into /target before reboot, and adding the 3.11.0-15
> kernel...  Installing just linux-image-3.blah did NOT pull in -extras
> (or -headers)

That would do it too, and takes less steps than my theory :)

> I really don't know how anyone uses the desktop install unless
> you're a "next, next, next, accept all defaults, of course I have
> ubuntu one!, next, done!" person.

I've taken to downloading the server install first when new versions
come out.  In my case, I've found that there are some cases where the
desktop won't load in the first place... then how are you supposed to
install it.  The server version will work every time and usually leave
you with a command prompt that you can then install/change whatever is
needed to get a working system.

I've managed to do a RAID install a couple of times from the desktop CD,
but what a pain in the butt!  The only reason that I didn't just reach
for a server CD was that I was either behind extremely slow Internet, or
didn't have access to it in the first place, and it's only slightly
easier to go through the pain of hand creating a RAID from the desktop
CD than it is to convert a non-RAIDed system to a RAID 1 afterwards.

That being said, the Desktop install does fill the needs of the vast 
majority of users and gives them that "pretty" interface they they 
expect from a professional product.
It would be nice if they would have the Desktop install fail over to a 
server/text style install if a graphical environment isn't able to 
start, or if you press a key while it's booting for those of us that 
would like a RAID setup or "advanced" install.

Brian Cluff

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