Damn ubuntu.

Michael Butash michael at butash.net
Sun Jan 5 10:38:20 MST 2014

On 01/04/2014 09:56 PM, Brian Cluff wrote:
> That's very odd that package wasn't on your system already.  It's 
> automatically installed with the linux-image-generic package, and that 
> should have been installed when you loaded the system. Without that 
> package your system won't receive kernel updates automatically.
> Did you by chance remove any packages right after the initial install. 
> My guess is that you might have removed a package that in turn caused 
> a dependency package such as linux-image-generic to be removed.
> That might have cause linux-image-extras-3.11.0-15-generic to be 
> marked as "no longer needed" and it may have also been uninstalled.
Nope, that was just letting the server install run its course in the old 
deb style, chrooting into /target before reboot, and adding the 
3.11.0-15 kernel as I was having issues with 3.11.0-12 in the live cd 
with the kworker issue mentioned...  Installing just linux-image-3.blah 
did NOT pull in -extras (or -headers), and simply put, I didn't know it 
existed, ass-u-me'ing the main blob would have them as they always 
have.  Argh, if a server boots without network, what good is it 
Canonical; those are hardly superfluous to make optional!

Later I found the kworker issue with powertop was nouveau being crappy, 
moving to the nvidia blob fixed that, and aside from my monitor not 
pm'ing off, it's working pretty decently (finally).

The desktop installer is simply dysfunctional, between the kworker 
thread issue pegging the cpu (which makes it unusable not if, but when 
the monitor powers off after 5 minutes), the installer just hangs if you 
don't log in with Ubuntu One (scourge upsell, any attempt to tell it no, 
the install errors/hangs forever), and then finally fails to install 
grub properly for efi even with flipping ubuntu one.  The ubuntu one 
issue has apparently been a bug since 12.04, it seems Canonical doesn't 
want to fix it, forcing people to get/make Ubuntu One account to fatten 
their user adoption.

I really don't know how anyone uses the desktop install unless you're a 
"next, next, next, accept all defaults, of course I have ubuntu one!, 
next, done!" person.

> Brian Cluff

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