Plug - Who is it?

Gilbert T. Gutierrez, Jr. mailing-lists at
Wed Dec 3 07:05:49 MST 2014

I am glad no one has been kicked off the list. As for my comment about 
the 801c3 thing, I have always been against it even though a few others 
have been for it (I cant say I participate enough though to really have 
input). I know the advantages of how things are now, without any formal 
posted "guidelines" there is a lot of freedom. I have been in charge of 
volunteer groups before, and usually there are a handful at most that do 
99% of the work (The reason I have not been part of a formal group for 5 
years now, I got burned out). Most members just show up when they want 
and take what they need (could be information, good feelings, social 
interaction, etc), never really giving as much as they take. If the 
group wants to grow though and help more people, there has to be more 
structure. I think that was the just of my earlier post.


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