Why have HackFests been Dropped from the PLUG Schedule?

Brian Cluff brian at snaptek.com
Tue Dec 2 13:24:05 MST 2014

On 12/02/2014 11:42 AM, Keith Smith wrote:
> Several times during the early days there were discussions about
> creating a formal organization.  We even met one time to discuss it.  In
> the end it was desired that the best organization was not to organize at
> all - no structure.

PLUG has done the exact same thing and we revisit the issue regularly 
and currently the majority of members would prefer not having a 501c3. 
(PLUG _is_ a non-profit in the state of Arizona).  I'm personally torn 
on the issue as there are advantages to both sides, so my opinion 
changes depending on PLUG's current situation an member base.

PLUG does have a steering committee, but it only exists to do minor 
organization, arrange for presentations, make minor decisions that need 
to be made quickly and give people someone to go to for suggestions and 
complaints.  All major decisions are brought before the group at 
publicly announced meetings that usually take place just prior to 
starting the PLUG East meeting and the Stammtisch... usually both so 
that we can get the opinions of as many people as possible, not just 
those that can only attend one meeting.

Hans is known as the chairman, which pretty much means that he has 
agreed to be the front man for PLUG.  He doesn't get any extra votes and 
things don't automatically go his way as he is out-voted on issues all 
the time.

If people blame things that they don't like about PLUG on Hans all they 
are doing is "killing the messenger", and the only reason Hans has been 
the chairman for so long is that there isn't anyone else willing to 
stand in front of the group every month... and with all the accusations 
I can't blame them.

Brian Cluff

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