Save me from MythTV.

Matt Birkholz matt at
Fri Aug 29 09:50:36 MST 2014

> From: Brian Cluff <brian at>
> Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 17:27:55 -0700
> [...]
> The options you are looking for are still in there, they just moved them 
> to be filters, which they were anyway.  To get to them, [arcane incantation].

Well hidden!  Not so sure about the rationale, as it seems couched in
some esoteric tongue.

Given the example of Tivo, THIS is how Myth schedules?  They lost me.

> I would highly recommend that you break down and just pay [...]

Judge me by my size will you?

> It's well worth the money [...]

Thanks for the pointer.  I am subscribing right now.  I paid more than
that for the service 90 years (9 years) ago, but it was
eventually abused to death.  Here's hoping the headaches of running are well compensated.

>   It also lets you come up with crazy customized scheduling rules
> like record all scifi movies made between 1950 and 1975 that are 2
> stars or less (ie, record B movies).

I'd get my knuckles rapped if I did anything like that, but I'll fight
for your right to ingest... even THAT.

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