bye bye M$ and Apple.

Paul Mooring paul at
Fri May 31 11:23:50 MST 2013

I think Android's dominance depends on perspective.  Realistically the desktop market is mostly irrelevant on Linux/BSD and to say that Android is poised to take that over, while possibly true, isn't saying much.  If the recent changes to Windows/OS X have shown us anything it's that MS and Apple are pushing towards convergence on "mobile" OSes.  From this perspective Android is in a position to realistically overtake our desktop/laptops as the dominant OS.  Servers on the other hand are a whole other thing.  Linux's popularity is primarily due to it's use as a server OS where it is the 800 pound gorilla that Windows has been to desktops.  On that front I don't think Linux is going to be challenged in a serious way in the near future.

Paul Mooring
Operations Engineer

From: plug-discuss-bounces at on behalf of Lisa Kachold
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 11:12 AM
To: Main PLUG discussion list
Subject: Re: bye bye M$ and Apple.

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 11:08 AM, <joe at<mailto:joe at>> wrote:

Android (is it not basically Linux by another name) has reached 900
millions activations, up from 100 million in 2011, and 400 million in
2012, solidifying its position as the world's most popular operating
system. And Google Play Android apps has reached 48 BILLION downloads.

Android is also on a path to take over desktops and laptops. A new Galaxy
Smart Dock allows your Android phone to become a desktop computer by
connecting an HD monitor, external storage, USB keyboard and mouse for
just $99. Now an Android phone can also be your entire desktop computer.
Hardware will only get better and cheaper and the Android OS is free.

I doubt that Android is actually on any path to take over anything.

Android is often replaced on ARM devices with a boot master based on linux.  WebOS is a linux based android type phone application that didn't have the support of Google (like Android).  Android is good for what it does, but it is in no way staged to replace Linux, BSD, Unix, Windows.

So what is the future for computers with a $100 or $200 or more
anti-trust "tax" built in for M$ or Apple?

Excerpts from here:<>

Good question!  I believe a great number of changes for anti-trust taxation are on the horizon.  But I am not interested in Corporate Law, Copyrights and taxation.

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