qmail toaster for centos 6.x

Lisa Kachold lisakachold at obnosis.com
Sun Jun 2 05:27:03 MST 2013


On Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 7:23 AM, Eric Shubert <ejs at shubes.net> wrote:

> On 05/31/2013 05:41 PM, Lisa Kachold wrote:
>> Nginx has some pretty serious security issues, so be sure that you
>> implement it with all the patches and complete recommendations:
>> http://nginx.org/en/security_**advisories.htmlÂ<http://nginx.org/en/security_advisories.html%C3%82>
> The current version in CentOS4 is not susceptible to any of these
> vulnerabilities. Good to check though.

Yes, Shubes! Don't even blink!  Every day another exploit is announced!
Anonymous hackers behind the Cdorked malware that targets Apache servers
now have extended their exploit to infect open-source Nginx and Lighttpd
server software.
This integer overflow fails over so you can do just about whatever you
like; especially with the right tools:


Old stuff from 2010: "A noobs guide to hacking Nginx"

Nginx Tuesday announced the release of nginx-1.4.1 <http://nginx.org/en/> --
as well as "development version" nginx-1.5.0 -- to fix a buffer-overflow
vulnerability that attackers could exploit to execute arbitrary code on a
Ngnix server and completely compromise it. In a security
Tuesday, Nginx said the
bug<http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-2028> is
present in Nginx versions 1.3.9 and 1.4.0. "The problem is fixed in nginx
1.5.0 [and] 1.4.1," it said.

Yes, installing from repo (with Redhat/CentOs/Fedora and uBuntu) means that
if a vulnerability exists with a patch available, the Nginx installed is
going to include that security fix.

CentOs/Redhat (and Ubuntu) are so fast with fixing vulnerabilities ( and
the Nginx security issues are all the standard browser stack vulns (stack
smash, XSS, remote code execution, escalated privs).    Of course there are
also a few implementation security issues - that seem like nice hacks on
the front side until - well, your site is defaced:

It's really rather outrageous that Apache has dominated this space for so
long, when slimmed down httpd servers and reverse proxies do the job so
much better, especially in 3/4 tiered environments with J2EE, is it not?



I personally still favor the custom compiled Apache2 with vastly scaled
down binary size (dynamic module stripping) and custom server signature
 [replacing "Apache2 $version" with "$customstring $version" which IS
allowed under the Apache2 license]  (to reduce fingerprinting - and
therefore also limit script kiddies - if we can't mitigate everything let's

> --
> -Eric 'shubes'
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