Upgrade to Debian testing hosed my system

Mark Phillips mark at phillipsmarketing.biz
Thu Jan 24 08:21:05 MST 2013


Unfortunately, there is still no signal after a hard reboot. If there were,
then I would do what you suggest.

Any ideas on how I can determine what is wrong by using something like a
knoppix cd?


On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 6:52 AM, Mike Ballon <mike.ballon at gmail.com> wrote:

> If there is no signal to the monitor with the box "up" I would reboot it.
> From there you'll need to figure out if the boot loader is intact or not.
> If it is you can boot into single user mode and try to figure out what's
> going on with the box. If you do not get the boot loader now we're talking
> about a repair to either the loader or the system as a whole using a disc
> or memory stick.
> http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/grub-boot-into-single-user-mode/
> On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 8:28 AM, Mark Phillips <mark at phillipsmarketing.biz
> > wrote:
>> I used aptitude to upgrade a headless server from Debian stable to Debian
>> testing. The upgrade did not generate any error messages, but when I
>> rebooted I could not ssh into the box (connection refused) nor do I get any
>> output on a monitor I attached to the box (no signal). Apache does not
>> appear to be running either on the box (could not connect to the box). I
>> can successfully ping the box.
>> Any suggestions on how to fix this this server would be greatly
>> appreciated!
>> Thanks,
>> Mark
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