Kubuntu 12.10 installation and setup checklist (draft).

joe at actionline.com joe at actionline.com
Sat Jan 12 02:36:42 MST 2013

While Linux is clearly superior in so many ways, it is little wonder that
Linux has not yet found wider acceptance among "ordinary" computer users
when it is still such an ordeal to achieve a fully satisfactory
installation that "just works" for all of the most essential stuff.

Ideally, it surely should be possible to have a *ONE-CLICK* Linux Live CD
installation that would result in a system as complete and ready-to-use as
a new computer purchased off-the-shelf at any retail store with micro$haft

Sadly, such an installation is not even remotely close to reality.

I have tried many dozens of different Linux distros, and I have done
hundreds of Linux installations over the past 15-years, and (call me
stupid) but I the process is still both daunting and highly frustrating.

For several years, Mandriva and PCLinuxOS had been the most stable and
usable (imho) and I was completely happy with PCL with KDE 3.5 for quite a
long time ... until finally being forced to "upgrade" to KDE 4 with its
endless problems ... and then, a series of problems with PCLinux so-called
"rolling-release" updates royally screwed up all of my systems.  So that
drove me to give up on PCLinux and start all over again.

Kubuntu seemed like the best alternative for my needs -- first with
version 12.04 and over the past few days, I have been transitioning to
12.10 which seems much improved.

However, even so, getting 12.10 installed and working right on my
computers has continued to be far more frustrating than I think a Linux
installation ought to be.

So, I have been attempting to compile a checklist of every step and every
click required to complete an installation and setup to the "ready-to-use"
stage, and I would appreciate any feedback, corrections, and suggestions
that y'all might be willing to share to improve this checklist.

Eventually, with guidance from my good plug friends, I hope to "remaster"
a live CD that might get as close as possible to a *ONE-CLICK*
installation of kubuntu 12.10. Click this link to see the checklist first


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