Does anybody use Akonadi, Nepomuk, Strigi ... etc.

joe at joe at
Fri Jan 11 16:53:03 MST 2013

How did you locate whichever applicable files can be deleted?

Unless there is some compelling reason not to do so, I think I would like
to uninstall everything related to akonadi, nepomuk, strigi, and any and
all other "indexing" related stuff, and delete and all related files
completely from my systems.

The synaptic package manager on one of my systems and the muon package
manager on my other systems seem to offer the option to "uninstall" this
stuff, so, again, would there be any possible harm in doing that?

Also, is there some way that I could use BleachBit to clean up (delete)
all corresponding files pertaining to these indexing items?

What ever happened to simple, uncluttered, clean, and efficient (like KDE
3.5 used to be)?


Brian Cluff last wrote:
> I was mostly talking about Strigi in my answer, I've also seen
> akonadi behave badly like this. I had to play around with the
> system for a while but I finally found that it was gagging on
> an old configuration that I wasn't even using. I simply deleted
> the akonadi resources that I wasn't using ...
> ...
> Akonadi has gone though a major rewrite ... what version of KDE
> did you experience this behavior?

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