its a pretty amusing joke... (code/geek humor)

Derek Trotter expat.arizonan at
Thu Feb 7 00:43:54 MST 2013

I didn't know there was a man page for mutt.  I'll have to look that 
up.  Here's the man page for lsd.

Article 76 of alt.drugs:
Subject: LSD 4.3
Summary: Better living thru Unix
Message-ID: <2709 at bloom-beacon.MIT.EDU>
Date: 1 Feb 88 16:48:13 GMT
Reply-To: dryfoo at (Gary L. Dryfoos)
Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

LSD(1)              UNIX Programmer's Manual               LSD(1)

      lsd - turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream

      lsd [ -dsS ] brandname user ...

      Disturbs the given users according to dosage, set, and setting.
      If more than one user is specified, each will be affected by the
      others, according to the arguments they give to lsd on their
      own terminals or machines.  It is recommended that one of the users
      in a group specify a dose of 0, and that at least one other user be
      experienced in using lsd.

      Brandname is usually a blotter pattern, but may be used to specify
      a non-blotter form, such as "windowpane" or "pyramid."

      There are a number of options, each of which can have a strange and
      not completely predictable effect on the users:

      -d   Dosage.  A dosage of 1 to 3 is recommended for first time
           users, although strength varies with brandname and storage

      -s   Set.  Recommended values are "calm," "happy," and "groovy."
           Sets like "angry," "frustrated," and "bummed" may cause file
           system damage, and should be avoided.  For these sets, other
           utilities are available (see "valium").

      -S   Setting.  Recommended are "familiar," "interesting," and
           "comfortable."  Hostile and challenging settings are reserved
           for experienced users.

      /etc/trips is a log of system-wide use of lsd since booting.

      When invoked with incorrect arguments, lsd will print out a random,
      Unixy-sounding error message and remove this man page.  This policy
      prevents misuse by undergraduates and fundamentalist Christians.

      User state should return to normal in twelve hours or less after
      invoking lsd.  With extreme parameters, however, this cannot always
      be guaranteed.

      The output device is assumed to be 80 columns wide.


I don't know where it came from originally, so Please Use Carefully!
(Remember: Dosage, Set, and SETENV)

Gary L. Dryfoos    ARPA/Internet: dryfoo at
              UUCP/Usenet: ...ihnp4!mit-eddie!!dryfoo
                    Phone: (617) 253-0184 / (617) 825-6115
                 USPS: E40-318, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA  02139
"So, you cannot resist, can you?  No, no one can!  When LeMott sings,
they dance!  Ha-ha-ha!  They all dance!"

On 02/07/2013 12:07 AM, Adam McCullough wrote:
> A manpage for LSD? And I thought the mutt manpage was tongue in cheek.
> On 6 February 2013 22:51, Derek Trotter <expat.arizonan at 
> <mailto:expat.arizonan at>> wrote:
>     Funny.  It  reminds me of fun with the unix c shell and the man
>     page for lsd.
>     On 02/06/2013 08:49 PM, Stephen wrote:
>>     -- 
>>     A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you
>>     from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the
>>     snooze button.
>>     Stephen
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