How to remove line breaks ... correction

Brian Cluff brian at
Thu Apr 18 06:18:01 MST 2013

If your paragraphs are currently separated by a blank line, just do the 
replace like I previously said (just make sure you only do it once) and 
then do another replace with just a $ for the search and \n\n for the 
replace.  That should put the blank lines back in your text.

Alternatively if you wanted the replace on something visual you could do 
it in 3 steps and do:

^[ \t]*$

put a single space here


Brian Cluff

On 04/16/2013 11:24 PM, joe at wrote:
> Correction.  I tried again, and what you suggested
> did work.  But the problem is, it removes *all* line
> breaks so there are no paragraph breaks.  The result
> is a continuous string of text tens of thousands of
> characters long with no breaks at all.
> So how can I eliminate the word-wrap line breaks
> but keep the paragraph breaks?
>> Brian, I had actually tried everything that you suggested
>> and no joy.  It is line breaks (\n) rather than paragraph
>> end that I am trying to get, because I want the paragraph
>> ends/breaks to remain.  Even so, I did try the paragraph
>> end ($) and that does not work either.
>> --------------
>>> Did a little searching and \n matches the type of line
>>> break you get with a shift+enter.
>>> I think what you are looking for is to replace a paragraph
>>> end which is just $ on the search line by itself.
>>> So in libre/open office go to edit-> find/replace, then click
>>> on more options and select "regular expressions".  Then in the
>>> "search for" field put a $ all by itself and on the "replace with"
>>> field put a space. Then just click "replace all" and it will
>>> make everything continuous and word wrap on the page naturally.
>>> Brian Cluff
>> -------------
>>> On 04/16/2013 04:32 PM, joe at wrote:
>>>> How to remove line breaks in odt paragraphs?
>>>> Searching the 'net turns up no solution that I can get to work.
>>>> Some suggested using edit > find and replace to replace "\n" with
>>>> a
>>>> space after checking "regular expressions" but that did not work
>>>> for
>>>> me.
>>>> Some suggested installing an "altsearch" extension (which was
>>>> ridiculously difficult to find). Searching for "altsearch" at the
>>>> libre office extensions page does not find it. Eventually I did
>>>> find
>>>> it (under a different name) and installed it, but it also does
>>>> not
>>>> work for me. Please refer to this screen capture:
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