How to capture and save an online mp3?

Matt Graham danceswithcrows at
Wed Oct 31 11:48:20 MST 2012

From: joe at
> wget
> 'wget' worked perfectly to capture the file.
> I've searched the 'net' but cannot find a Linux tool to get the
> audio transcribed to text. Is there a way to feed an audio file
> through google voice?

Yes, but it's not quite as simple as you'd probably like.  I searched for "voice recognition" and got a set of scripts called
asterix-speech-recog.  This contains a Perl script that can be called from the
command line which takes FLAC files at 8KHz and feeds them to an appropriate
Google endpoint.  If you do this, you get a response containing text and a
number that says how confident the google script is that the textual output is

So, you can probably grab that tarball:
...and look at the samples/ script.

You'll have to transform the mp3 file into a FLAC file at 8KHz.  sox
(command-line tool) can convert a sound file from (format) at (whatever) Hz to
uncompressed wav at 8000 Hz.  Probably, "sox file.mp3 -r 8000 temp.wav".  Then
flac can turn that 8000 Hz wav file into a FLAC file, like "flac temp.wav
temp.flac".  Then run on temp.flac , then do something
with the output and clean up the temp files.  There may be shortcuts in this
that I don't know about.

Matt G / Dances With Crows
The Crow202 Blog:
There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see

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