About Michael Havens, the list and the people...

Carruth, Rusty Rusty.Carruth at smartstoragesys.com
Fri Nov 30 08:59:22 MST 2012

As much as I hate 'me too' replies, in this case I think its warranted, so here goes:

Well said, thanks!

> -----Original Message-----
> ....
> I agree that you are free to block Mike if you wish, but I disagree
> with anyone publicly stating 'Mike is so dumb that we should kick him
> out'
> because that express and undeserved and ignorant judgement and narrows
> the limits of those willing to participate in this list.
> I don't block Mike, although I don't always answer.
> And I have the utmost respect for him.
> Mike, please don't leave this list.
> Enrique A. Troconis

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