gparted - how to move a partition? SOLVED

joe at joe at
Sun Mar 11 09:02:37 MST 2012

Thanks Larry.  Finally got it to work.

It took a while to figure out how to actually do that maximizing
of the complete sda2 partition as I got an error and it failed
the first few times I tried it. (See Brian's comment further below).

But then I tried "maximizing" to only about 95% of what I thought
was available free space, and then it worked.


Dazed_75 last wrote:
> - Select /dev/sda2 (the extended partition) and either maximize
>   its size (it can only grow to the left) or move it to the left
>   and then grow it to its maximum size
>   (whichever gparted will let you do)

***** [Joe observed: This was an important key] *****

> - select /dev/sda5 and move it to the left
> - select /dev/sda6 and move it to the left
> - select /dev/sda7 and either maximize its size (it can only grow to the
>   left) or move it to the left and then grow it to its maximum size
> By the way, I would Apply Changes after each step as a precaution.
> I've had much more success that way.

Brian Parma last wrote:
> Oddly enough I was trying to do just this today.  I kept getting
> errors about not being able to modify my extended partition.
> In the end, I just used fsarchiver to backup the partition(s),
> destroyed them, recreated them the way I wanted them on the disk,
> then restored them again with fsarchiver.

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