kubuntu 12.04 performance deterioration

Brian Cluff brian at snaptek.com
Sat Jul 21 12:46:51 MST 2012

On 07/21/2012 09:30 AM, joe at actionline.com wrote:
> Now, if I can just figure out how to get rid of the annoying kwallet,
> cashew, panel icons continually being spontaneously rearranged from the
> way I want them, (and several other kde annoyances), perhaps I can finally
> get this system stablized and usable.  ;)

Kwallet is easy to get rid of...  If you want it to store passwords just 
give it an empty password when it asks.  It will give you a warning 
about the security of an empty password... just accept it.  From then on 
it will automatically log into your password wallet.  Of source doing 
that provides no security for your passwords, it simply keeps it from 
asking for a password for the wallet. If you don't want it to store 
passwords, go into system settings -> Account Details -> KDE Wallet and 
uncheck "Enable the KDE wallet subsystem"

As for the cachew, I suggest you just ignore it, or drag it below one of 
your panels.  It is possible to make it disappear, but you have to put 
the system in immutable mode which will leave it totally unconfigurable.

As for icons moving around, I have never seen this before.  The only 
icons that I know of that might spontaneously move around are the tray 
icons. And they have the possibility of moving because they are popping 
in and out of existence depending on their status.  You might be able to 
stick their position a little better by going into the tray settings, in 
the entries tab, and adjusting all the tray items to be some combination 
of either shown all the time, or be hidden all the time.  That should 
keep anything from popping up, like the printer status or USB.   Of 
course that will also make your tray much larger than normal or have it 
not show something when it occurs.

Hope that helps,
Brian Cluff

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