networking problem

James Dugger james.dugger at
Mon Jul 9 18:52:24 MST 2012


First reinitialize the "known_hosts" file by the following from your ssh
client box:

cd ~/.ssh
rm known_hosts
ssh <username>@<IP address of ssh host box>
   - Ubuntu will ask you for confirmation of your request to setup a key on
the server -
Type yes or 'y' which ever it asks for
type in password when prompted
   - you should now have prompt for <username>@<ip address of ssh host

This should rewrite the known_hosts file in your user directory on the
client box

At this point you should be able to ssh into your host by using the
<username>@ip address of host box>

If you can't than perhaps you setup up public keys for authentication. If
you have public keys setup than you should see 2 files named "id_rsa" and
"" on your ssh client machine in a directory named
"/home/<username>/.ssh". id_rsa is your private key that needs to remain
here.  The is the public key that needs to be copied to your ssh
server.  If you see the file and you still know your passphrase
that you setup (if you set one up) than it is a matter of appending into a file called "authorized_keys" located in ~/.ssh on the
host computer.  If you only have the single client connected to the host
than you can rename the authorized_keys file on your host and append to a new version. NOTE if you do not see the file and
only have the id_rsa file than you will need to generate a new set of
public keys (see Method 2).

Method 1
If you have been able to establish simple ssh between the 2 boxes, from the
client computer (where is found) it might be as simple as typing
the following:

ssh <username>@host ip address> "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" <

or after establishing an ssh connection typing the following:

"cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" < ~/.ssh/

If ssh is not working you will need to get the onto the host
computer and append it from there.  Logon to host computer as user to be
authenticated and copy the file using "scp" command and place it in the
~/.ssh directory.

Method 2 (New keys)

To generate new keys type the following from the client box (do not do this
using sudo or as root but as your own username):

ssh-keygen -t rsa
  - Ubuntu will prompt you for the location to place the key pairs just
pick the default
  - You will be prompted for a passphrase
  -  You will be asked for passphrase confirmation

 Then copy the file to the host computer by Method 1.

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