scp in reverse?

kitepilot at kitepilot at
Mon Apr 2 06:25:48 MST 2012

Michael, "names" on a network are fake.
There are only IP address in a network .
You "translate a name" into its corresponding IP address via a "name 
resolution service" 

A "name resolution service" can be as simple as an /etc/hosts file or as 
complex as a full blown self-replicating/redundant name server (like bind). 

At the end, EVERYTHING goes via an IP address, so your question might 
actually work in reverse:
> I was wondering.... could you do this via NAMEs?
Yes, assuming that the name can be translated via some "name resolution 



Michael Havens writes: 

> I was wondering.... could you do this via ipaddress? 
> On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 12:01 PM, kitepilot at <
> kitepilot at> wrote: 
>> Yes, scp (like cp) will copy back or forth, the 2 commands below are
>> legal:
>> scp myuser at remotebox:/that/file /this/path
>> scp /this/path myuser at remotebox:/that/file
>> 1st one will 'retrieve' /that/file from 'remotebox' into /this/path
>> 2nd one will copy /this/path to /that/file in 'remotebox'.
>> ET 
>> joe at writes: 
>>> This is interesting.  Does this really mean that
>>> scp in reverse is possible by using a similar syntax
>>> with the dot at the end to extract a file from a remote
>>> computer to my local computer?
>>> -----------------
>>> Mike Ballon wrote (in part) ... scp in reverse:
>>> scp**Move.from.Florida .
>>> I'm guessing the path of the pictures and take note of the dot at the end 
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