Brookings: CyberSecurity In the Balance - 2 New Bills

Sam Kreimeyer skreimey at
Wed Nov 16 20:45:34 MST 2011


To your point about VPNs, you should take a look at this article.

If your activities are deemed serious enough, VPNs will usually
cooperate with law enforcement. There are likely offshore VPNs or
proxy services that would not cooperate, but shady anonymity services
usually come with their own risks.

On 11/16/11, Eric Shubert <ejs at> wrote:
> +1
> The article says:
> <quote>
> PROTECT IP applies to every “operator of a non-authoritative domain name
> system server,” including local ISPs and even small businesses that run
> their own networks.
> </quote>
> I haven't read the legislation, but since windoze (xp/vista/7) runs its
> own resolver (DNS cache), it's conceivable that this might apply to all
> windoze hosts, depending on how the word "server" is defined.
> --
> -Eric 'shubes'
> On 11/16/2011 02:14 PM, Derek Trotter wrote:
>> Thank you Lisa for posting the url. It supports notions that I've
>> believed in for years: The surest way to screw up something is to
>> involve government. The effects of legislation are more often than not,
>> the exact opposite of the stated intent.
>> On 11/15/2011 16:37, Lisa Kachold wrote:
>>> --
>>> (602) 791-8002 Android
>>> (623) 239-3392 Skype
>>> (623) 688-3392 Google Voice
>>> **
>>> <>
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