OT- fast laptop

Kevin Fries kfries6 at gmail.com
Sun Feb 27 14:37:47 MST 2011

On 02/27/2011 02:14 PM, leegold at speedymail.org wrote:
> Is this the HP Elite model you're pondering?
> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834157538
> Oh my, this is a "fast" laptop. I don't think you can get this little
> gem locally...
> Lee
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Seems awfully pricey for those specs.

Looked again at top of the line System76 Serval Pro, with a faster 
processor (i7-2920XM, @2.5Ghz), 4x ram, 160GB SSD instead of a 500GB HD 
(You can get it with that drive, its cheaper, but if speed is the issue, 
SSD is the answer), but it has a 15" instead of 17" screen, but still, 
with all those whistles and bells, its still cheaper.  Still no local 
provider, but they are made in California.

I'll repeat my recommendation... Look at System76, and it comes stock 
with Linux, right out of the factory.

Kevin Fries

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