sorting 512.192 emails

Technomage Hawke technomage.hawke at
Fri Dec 30 21:23:13 MST 2011

I just spent a better part of 18 hours trying to cull out the ever expanding girth of my email accounts. in that 19 hours, I reduced the all mail folder by 259,213 emails using the only web interface that has no tools for the blind in it. its not like I want to keep all that email. it was starting to take so much space that I was getting nasty grains from google about it. 

the lesson here: go through your mail folders and clean them up. it is rather fast how much that 1,000+ mails a day can clog up the works.

now I have to invent a better way to do this.


oh, and merry christmas, happy new year and all the other holidays in between.


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