The PLUGdev Project Candidate list - what only 4?

Ed plug at
Thu Aug 4 09:11:48 MST 2011

The PLUGdev group is looking to adopt a FLOSS project for the
2011/2012 season and we are collection suggestions.
If you have a project that you would like to be in the running, please
add to the list - 1) tell us what you want accomplished, 2) any URL is
also appreciated. 3) your name.
post to the list and I will re-roll the count as things come in.

I think the plan is to pick the winner at the September meeting.

1. Supporting aural stylesheets in CSS.   (Joseph SInclair).
>>> Joseph - is there a particular project/library? please fix TIA <<<

2. Modifying/forking/creating an animations engine that will either
plugin to Inkscape, or that is a standalone program or fork from it.
Something capable of creating svg animations suitable for use on the
Internet  (Joseph SInclair).

3. A Minecraft server implementation.  (Kevin Bowling).

4. Add Subversion info to Tracker's Indexing abilities  (Ed Nicholson)


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