Ubuntu 11.04, Unity and the "Desktop haters" (like me)

Ted Gould ted at gould.cx
Wed Apr 13 12:09:50 MST 2011

On Wed, 2011-04-13 at 09:10 -0700, Dazed_75 wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 8:52 AM, Ted Gould <ted at gould.cx> wrote:
>         On Wed, 2011-04-13 at 08:15 -0700, Dazed_75 wrote:
>         > I also am not very impressed with Unity.  I have installed
>         the Beta
>         > and am giving it a try but so far I see little benefit and
>         some loss
>         > of usability.  I'll keep trying it out so maybe I will
>         change my mind.
>         > I did start to look forward to it after Ted Gould's talk at
>         SCaLE but
>         > no I don't recall why.
>         I imagine it was my good looks ;-)
> I thought I was better looking :) 

No comment ;-)

> I really do wish I could remember why your talk calmed some of my
> apprehension about Unity.  If I can find some time to look for it, I
> will try to find the online video of it.


The video unfortunately doesn't have the slides in it as they're an SVG,
and they couldn't handle that in the video shop :-)  If you do find
something that resonates with you I'd love to know about it, I'll make
sure to mention it in future talks.

>         Certainly, Ubuntu may choose a default desktop but that will
>         never be
>         the only desktop.  I personally believe that it's the best
>         desktop, but
>         others are welcome to disagree.
> Did I not read that Mark Shutteworth was stating it would be the
> always installed thing fr 11..10?  It IS still Linux and one can
> always install something else, but he sounded very committed to Unity
> being the future for ubuntu. 

I think this is one of those cases where you need to separate Ubuntu the
product from the overall project.  The Ubuntu Archives hold things like
Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc.  And there is a lot of work that goes into making
Ubuntu derivatives easier every day (UDD, build-from-branch, etc.) those
will always be part of the larger Ubuntu project.  The Ubuntu Product
that goes on the CD that gets handed out to LoCo's and default installs
on machines Canonical has a relationship with will be Unity for the
foreseeable future.  That default product will be where Canonical
concentrates its resources, but there is an expectation that the tools
built are useful to the project as a whole.  It's hard to see from the
outside, but Ubuntu is much bigger than only a Canonical thing.


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