How to get video off of my camera?

Stephen cryptworks at
Sat Mar 20 14:19:40 MST 2010

I think all of this is pointing to the way the camera is connecting to
your system, and how the hardware is connected.

i would take a look there and make sure the Os is really seeing the
media correctly, then i think any app you use will be good to go.

i know the output of lspci and... err i forget the other.. should have
some clues.

bot to keep it from being horrible boot the system. wait a min then
plug in and then do lspci so it will mostly be at the bottom of the

On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 12:47 PM,  <joe at> wrote:
> I can't figure out how to copy videos off of my Kodak M863 Digital camera
> onto my Linux system.
> I was able to use gphoto2 to copy still photos onto my older Mandriva
> Linux system, but neither gphoto nor gphoto2 work on my newer Linux
> system.
> Eventually, I found that I could get the photos off using digikam, but
> while a video (.MOV) appears in the digikam list of captured images, when
> I try to copy it off, an error results: "Failed to load image ..."
> Screen cap of the problem:
> Under multimedia applications on my system, there are 15 apps listed under
> graphics and 14 apps listed under video, and while I have used several of
> the graphics apps, I have not yet used any of the video apps.
> Screen cap of apps available:
> Hope some of my plug friends can advise me how to get my videos copied off
> my camera onto my Linux box, and which video apps might work best.
> Recently someone on the list recommended "Open Movie Editor" as perhaps
> the best video editor, but I have not been able to get the video on my
> camera imported into it.
> Help!
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