How to shrink a windows partition to make more room for Linux?

joe at joe at
Wed Jun 9 08:36:29 MST 2010

My original question was, "How can I shrink the ntfs file system /dev/sda5
shown in this screen capture:
to make room to increase the size of my Linux home partition /dev/sda8 ?
I've used ntfsresize to reduce the size of the sda5 partition from 158 gig
to 67 gig, but gparted will not allow me to shrink (resize) sda5. The
"Resize/Move" option in gparted is grayed out as shown in the screen
capture. So what else can I do to shrink sda5?

Among the replies so far, none address the question that I asked.

- Some emphasized the need to defrag win. I've already done that.
- Some said use a 3rd party resizer. I've already done that.
- Some said backup files. I've already done that.
- One said to fire up Ubuntu to define the partitions.
--- I don't have Ubuntu, but I do have gparted.
- One explained that gparted cannot shrink properly when files are
scattered. But, as I originally stated, I have already defragged,
and I have already successfully resized the windows partition.
- One cautioned that I will need to move sda6 and 7 into the free space
before I can increase the size of sda8.

All that is fine and helpful ... however, it does not answer my original

The problem is that gparted will not allow me to shrink the existing
windows partition that is already resized from 158 to 67 gig.

Again, how can I get gparted to shrink the windows partition that
is already successfully resized?

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