Versioning system - Subversion Vs. Git

Alex Dean alex at
Tue Dec 7 08:19:42 MST 2010

On Dec 6, 2010, at 10:29 PM, keith smith wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm looking at version systems for two different projects each on their own server.  I used Subversion about 3 years ago for just a few week so I have little recall of subversion.
> I was doing some research and it seems Git is emerging.  That makes me believe that I should look at Git and install/learn/use it.  Of course before I venture down this path, I always like to ask the experts. 
> Thank you for your insight on Subversion Vs. Git.

After 4+ years using subversion, I initially found git to be incredibly complex.  I've gotten more comfortable with git after using it a while, but for my purposes it isn't offering anything hugely compelling.  In theory the distributed nature of git is quite appealing.  In practice, it's not solving a problem that any of my current projects actually have.  We have used git here and there for small things, but our main applications will stay in svn.  That being said, GitHub is really really cool, and an excellent usage of git's characteristics.

Keep in mind that git isn't the only game in town when it comes to distributed version control.  You should also consider mercurial, which is also quite popular and has a (seemingly) friendlier interface.  bazaar is also out there, but I've never used it or known anyone who did.

I agree with Ed that you should consider the nature of your project before selecting a version control system.


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