wayne waydavis at cox.net
Tue Sep 8 20:51:49 MST 2009

Ryan Rix wrote:
> wayne wrote:
>> Is it me, or are others finding this version NON-user friendly too.
>> 4 times I have put Kubuntu on my system, and 4 times...  I HATE Kde4.x
>> What other distro's can I go to that have a look similar to the old
>> KDE3.x?
> Hi,
> Kubuntu's KDE4 packages are, imo, garbage. I've been running KDE since 4.2 
> on Fedora 11 and am absolutely loving it. If you could give some specifics 
> I'd love to help you out.
> If you still want KDE3 get an old distro. The rest have evolved. KDE4.3 is 
> at the same point, or farther along than KDE3.5, imo, and now would be the 
> perfect time to pick up KDE4.
> Ryan
Hey Ryan, Thanks for the reply.
Specifically, the things that are bugging me right now are:

A: I use PANELS on dual monitors. Lower AND upper panels on both. In 
3.x, I could position a icon on the panel EXACTLY where I wanted it it. 
4.x appears to stack them against each other and that SUCKS for grouping 

B. I had a "widget" that gave me a bunch of terminal options like LINUX, 
ROOT, etc. That tool appears to no longer be available AND its apparent 
replacement, "Konsole profiles" blows chunks. If you out it in a panel 
it takes up all the open space across the whole panel.

C: along those lines, it used to be easy to create a icon on the 
desktop, then just drag it to a panel. NO CAN DO anymore.

I STILL cannot figure out what good "DESKTOP" view is, as opposed to 
FOLDER view, which is closer to what I expect. WHAT GOOD IS IT???

Guys, I gotta say: If I didn't know any better, I would SWEAR a M$ 
person got on the dev team and is trying to hose KDE. I MEAN IT. It is 
THAT bad, to me.

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