Installfest 5/30 (new thread)

Lyle Tuttle L.tuttle at
Tue May 26 20:41:05 MST 2009

At 08:21 PM 5/26/2009, you wrote:

>On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 7:04 PM, Lyle Tuttle 
><<mailto:L.tuttle at>L.tuttle at> wrote:
>At 05:46 PM 5/26/2009, you wrote:
>>I've had about three RSVP's, some are a bit heafty:
>>snip, snip
>>I have a HP Pavilion that I want to run on Linux only - no dual boot.
>>Now has windows XP on it......I plan on attending your event this saturday.
>The above email was sent in April, and I did attend and install 
>Linux on that system.
>It does not work, but that is another story.
>I just want to make sure you know that is an OLD EMAIL. it is 
>history now....<G>
>Is it the linux that does not work or the computer?  Are you wanting 
>to try again with that or a different computer?  I know you said it 
>was another story, but I was wondering if we did anything bad.

No, you guys did statement was only half correct -- it 
works (I'm excited - my fist look @ Linux, want to see more....if 
only...<G>) , but I can't get it to log on to my home wireless system 
-- but it did right away at the instalfest.....

Probably some simple, small thing, but I am not having any luck 
fixing past all the "keyring" issues I think ---

I "think" I have some problem with "device recognition" (it says my 
output should be 'claimed', unclaimed, enabled, or disabled, but I 
get NONE of those...), but how could that be if it worked?  (Wireless 
troubleshooting, 5.2.2),

It does not look like it says it should, but it worked at 
first......what's with that?  what's the diff 'twixt their wireless 
system and mine other than password?

I'm trying to follow the troubleshooting guide, but what comes up may 
as well be Greek...<G>...and I do not read nor comprehend Greek.....

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