Best first programming language

Mike Hoy mhoy06 at
Tue May 26 09:22:19 MST 2009

That's ESR's page. It's a good read and goes over a lot of what you guys are
talking about. I'm following his advice. Currently learning as much python
as I can. I also dabble in Java and C, but my main focus is on Python. It
allows me to focus on the basics of programming without doing the dirty work

prototyping functions
declaring variables
using { and ;
You know all that extra typing that can result in an error.
The trivial programs I write scream for python. Java and C take MANY more
lines of code to accomplish the same thing. Oh and I can write GUI programs
with Python too (Tkinter).

Since he's going to learn Java anyway in school why not learn python now and
get some of the basics down. I suggest buying 'Learning Python' and
devouring it. Write programs with a focus on oop.

I've taken Java in college and ended up dropping it. It was a LOT of
information. I feel I can take it now and pretty easily get through the

-Mike Hoy

On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 5:19 AM, Mike Schwartz <mike.l.schwartz at>wrote:

> On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 7:29 AM, Jerry Davis <jdawgaz at> wrote:
>> BTW, can someone tell me why this happens?
>> $ perl -e 'print "hello world\n"'
>> hello world
>> $ python -c 'print "hello world"'
>> hello world
>> notice that I DID NOT have to put the \n at then end of the python print
>> statement? is it something to do with the -c (i.e. smart enough to know it
>> is a
>> cmd line script, and automatically puts a \n at the end?) or something?
>> notice what happens when you leave the \n off of the perl script, and add
>> a \n
>> to the python script.
>> just curious.
>> --
> [...]
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> YES, I think it has something to do with the way the syntax works, in
> Python, for  whether one "wants" to start
> a new line or not.
>    Instead of being specifically "indicated", e.g., by having some kind
> of  \n right where one "wants" to start a new line, it is determined by
> whether or not a COMMA is present, after the last item in the list (of
> stuff to be printed).  (The last item in the list might also be the only
> item in the list...)  Note that, in a sense the "polarity" is kinda
> backwards
> from the "\n" way of doing things.  If the comma is ABSENT, then it
> ends the old line (starts a new one).
>     By the way, in the summer of 2007, I was searching in the on-line
> tutorial for Python, to find where it teaches (/slash, documents) about
> how this ["comma"] feature works.  I finally found it, but NOT by using
> the (very limited) indexing feature that is provided by that on-line
> tutorial for Python -- rather, I found it by using the "site:..." feature
> of
> doing a google search, and remembering that it can take any leading
> substring of the target URL, -- that is, it is NOT [!] limited to a domain
> name (as the word 'site:' might suggest).
>     In fact, I later wrote an e-mail to Alan Dayley (I looked for it today
> but I have been unable to find it...!) about using that "site:..." feature
> of
> doing a google search, and remembering that it can take any leading
> substring of the target URL -- so it can go beyond (by far) just limiting
> itself to the domain name part of the URL.
> --
> Mike Schwartz
> Glendale  AZ
> schwartz at
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Mike Hoy
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