OT: Free Webhost

Technomage technomage.hawke at gmail.com
Tue May 5 17:30:35 MST 2009

hey guys,
aztecfreenet.org is looking for a new hosting provider that can handle 
dialup. they are a non-profit and don't have a lot of funds to spend. 
any recommendations?

I did point them to deru but there may be other alteratives I don't know 
about yet.

Darin Wayrynen wrote:
> Why not consider a local company that supports PLUG directly?  We host
> the PLUG servers free of charge to the group.
> Our yearly special is as inexpensive as all the others listed here,
> yet is local and directly supports this group.
> Yearly low usage hosting with no ads:
>   http://hosting.deru.net/yearspecial.html
> ;-)
> Darin

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