
Stephen cryptworks at
Mon Jun 29 16:07:26 MST 2009

the only cluster i messed with was a Beowulf cluster. it worked (i
think) but i was unsure how to really make it do more than talk to

in any case id look at various features of the distro first (GFS
support, cluster management tools and application to be used)

i think ubuntu has a cloud computing app comparable with or related to
the amazon S3 stuff. and GFS is a RH technology but available all

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Matt Graham<danceswithcrows at> wrote:
> From: Eric Shubert <ejs at>
>> Has anyone here implemented any clusters?
> I've only set one up, but I maintain the ones that my predecessors
> set up.  It's not rocket science.
>> Is any particular distro better or worse at clustering?
> Not really.  Every distro has heartbeat/DRBD/LVS available.
>> Any pointers regarding clustering you'd like to share?
> Define the problem you're trying to solve more rigorously than just
> "clustering" first.  Do you want flailover between 2 boxes?  Do you
> want a frontend box with N service-providing boxes behind it?  The
> answers to that greatly affect what you will end up doing, as does
> the question "What services is this cluster going to provide?"
> Basically, all I can do is handwave without answers to "what services?"
> and "how many machines?".
> --
> Matt G / Dances With Crows
> The Crow202 Blog:
> There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
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