HackFest Series: Starting in August 2009 - Labs begin at 10:00AM 2nd Saturday!

Lisa Kachold lisakachold at obnosis.com
Mon Jun 22 12:25:29 MST 2009

Starting in August 2009 (Puppet) our presentations will start every month on
the second Saturday at 10:00 (rather than Noon) and go until 13:00, which is
a better way to carve up a day.

See you all at the Foundation for Blind Children in July at the regular
(inefficient) Noon time.

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 11:58 AM, Lisa Kachold <lisakachold at obnosis.com>wrote:

> August's HackFest Lab at the Foundation for Blind Children will center
> around puppet.
> We will have a one-ish hour of presentation, a puppet test lab including a
> fully fleshed out securely setup puppet.  We will take some fest time to
> show how easy it is to pull strings, maintain configurations and standards
> in any network comprising two or more systems.
> Please see http://www.linuxgazette.com for my July "Linux Layer 8
> Security" article for the lab presentation materials.
> Bring your recipes to wow us, since all PLUG events are full duplex,
> allowing for individual expansion and enrichment as we follow our critical
> thought, rarely constrained by anything but time.
> *"Don't learn to hack; hack to learn".*
> Network and other facilities generously provided by the Foundation for
> Blind Children.
> http://www.seeitourway.org/contactUs.html
> There is an open call for presentations and participants. Take the black
> pill and leave forever the Security Matrix; HackFest with PLUG!
> --
> (503)754-4452
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:LisaKachold
> http://tribe.obnosis.com/

http://tinyurl.com/44zfgx  http://www.obnosis.com/motivation/
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