Kmail or Evolution?

Lyle Tuttle L.tuttle at
Thu Jul 30 16:28:49 MST 2009

At 02:04 PM 7/30/2009, you wrote:
>I guess, if you do not use a preview pane for viewing your messages, 
>in which case you press the left < or right > arrows on your 
>keyboard to view the next or previous messages, you would not be 
>able to easily view the next message because you have "opened" a 
>message to its own window. I'm not aware of any other email client 
>that when you open a message to its own window, a simple key stroke 
>will close the window and open the next message in a new window.
>Or am I missing something here?

Eudora will.

Course that is a windows client.....they are "trying" to develop the 
Linux version, and I wish they would hurry up...<G>...Pentelope and 
others just aren't there yet....I love my Eudora....and will miss it 
when I make the clean break....


lyle tuttle

As she lay there dozing next to me, one voice inside my head kept saying,
"Relax... you are not the first doctor to sleep with one of his patients, "
but another kept reminding me, "Howard, you are a veterinarian."
                                 -------Dick Wilson  
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