Laptop (cell phone) in my pocket?

Stephen cryptworks at
Tue Jul 7 16:38:22 MST 2009

My mom Got her "data processing Degree" and had to program with punch
cards when it was part of the Business College...

On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 4:33 PM, Alan Dayley<alandd at> wrote:
> You little youngsters don't know the meaning of hardship.
> Back in my day you got monochrome and 40x25 characters and counted
> yourself lucky!
> Before that it was fuzzy white on black with a dumb terminal and a 300
> baud acoustic coupler.
> Before that it was on a dot matrix printer with a keyboard.  Get it
> right quick or you waste a lot of paper!
> At least I'm not old enough to have suffered with punch cards or paper
> tape or front panel toggle switches.
> CGA was a wonder for about $600!
> ;^)
> Alan
> On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Stephen<cryptworks at> wrote:
>> no i was just 5 when i started
>> On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 2:28 PM,
>> kitepilot at<kitepilot at> wrote:
>>>>> I remember CGA and its pink cyan vomit... i think i preferred going
>>> Jesus!
>>> You are *THAT* old?
>>> Dirt...  ;-)
>>> ET
>>> Stephen writes:
>>>> I remember CGA and its pink cyan vomit... i think i preferred going
>>>> back to ASCII until VGA was out.
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